Welcome to the Arcade Library!
Our collection of over 6,000 books has a good mix of biographies, historical fiction, fantasy, adventure, magazines, and non-fiction titles. You can look for books in the Arcade Library anytime by going to the Online Catalog. This website also allows you to see if the book you are looking for is available to check out. Be sure to look at all the new books that are being added each day!
Follow the Arcade Library on Instagram at to stay up to date on events, get book recommendations, and see what new books are available for you to check out! Scan the QR code below to follow our Instagram page!
Library Hours:
The Library remains closed. Students will be notified via Ms. McManigal's Morning Announcements.
To Reserve a Book or Find Out What Has Been Checked Out to You:
From the San Juan portal, select the tile that says "Follett" (picture of a tree). Use your San Juan username and password to log in (upper right corner of the screen). Now you can see what is checked out to you, or place a book on hold that you would like to read. Or, you can email Mrs. Payne the title of a book and I'll have your book waiting for you.
Checking Out Books and Return Policy:
Students may check out two library books at a time for two weeks. Each student understands it is their responsibility to take care of their library books and to return them on time for other students to enjoy. Students who damage or lose books must pay for replacing the books. Let's be respectful of the books, as they belong to all students.
Online Library Catalog:
Find your next great adventure here, escape to another universe, or learn more about a topic that interests you!
Arcade Fundamental Online Catalog Library
Textbook information:
Listed below is the information & cost of each textbook, by grade level.
Visual Textbook Guide for Arcade
Policy for Lost or Damaged Books:
If your student has lost or damaged a textbook, please pay the district's cost to replace or purchase a replacement copy. The replacement copy must be in good condition (if used) with the same ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and publication date.
Textbooks can be purchased online at websites such as Half-Price books,, Barnes & Noble, Bulk Bookstore, Book Outlet, or Amazon.
Lost books need to be cleared as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Payne, the Arcade Library/Media Tech at: