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Every student athlete and their guardian must review the Middle School Athletic Handbook, and then sign and return the required paperwork. Every activity has sport-specific forms to be filled out in addition to these documents.

Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District

The Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District (MORPD) currently oversees most sports and sign-ups are done through MORPD. Coaching staff is typically provided by the MORPD, and students must be registered and pay for the activity through the MORPD unless otherwise stated by the school or a coach. It's important to note that while the park and recreation district uses SJUSD facilities, these are not school-sponsored sports.

Visit the MORPD website for more information.

The Positive Sports Report Podcast 

The Positive Sports Report Podcast. SJUSD logo with a microphone

Did you know San Juan has a podcast discussing a variety of sports-related topics!?

You can listen to the San Juan Unified Positive Sports Podcast on Apple or on YouTube

 Follow along on Instagram @thepositivesportsreport