Arcade's Esports Team is CLOSED.
Mondays from 2:45 P.M. - 4:15 P.M. in room D2
Pick up permission slip forms from Mrs. Velasco or in the front office!
Priority for participation will be given to students who qualify as: Free and Reduced Meals, Foster Youth, McKinney Vento, English Learners
Esports is the sport of competitive video game playing. Our program provides an inclusive activity for all interested students, where coaches will focus on personal and team goal-setting, good sportsmanship and controlling emotions in the game arena, collaboration, community building, and supporting academic achievement.
In addition, the SJUSD Esports Program will provide opportunities to explore new career options and skills while promoting physical and emotional health through a focus on balancing one’s activities and understanding their emotions. Prior experience is not required for students to participate. Our esports coaches are committed to providing a safe gaming environment for all students. In addition to the goals mentioned above, the elementary esports teams will play offline to avoid interacting with individuals outside of our school team.
All necessary equipment will be provided and no outside consoles or games are permitted. Teams will play Super Smash Bros. and Rocket League on Nintendo Switch consoles. Both of these games are rated “E for Everyone.” Students do not need consoles or games at home in order to participate. We will provide time to learn the games and we welcome all students, regardless of their experience level.
Rules for Esports Athletes
Esports Athletes must behave in a manner respectful of the other participants and staff, their
personal property, and school property. All school rules of conduct apply. Esports athletes who do
not follow the rules or who behave inappropriately will not be allowed to continue as a member of
the esports team. Specific rules are listed below.
1. Esports athletes are representatives of their schools. As a result, Esport Athletes must
handle themselves in a courteous and respectful manner during all esports activities,
including practices and tournaments. Vulgar language and/or bullying will not be
tolerated. The Code of Conduct will be strictly enforced for Esports.
2. Abuse of any equipment (consoles, controllers, projectors, etc.) will result in the Esport
Athlete’s disqualification from the Esports program.
3. Arguing with the school staff about a decision may result in disqualification from the
Esports program.
4. Both the Behavior Expectations and the Waiver and Release forms included in this
packet must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to school staff before the due
date for the Esports program.
5. Students must attend practices regularly and on time. Exceptions include: doctor
appointments, illness or funeral. The coach must be notified prior to the absence.
6. Students must be picked up on time. If students are not picked up on time, they will not
be allowed to stay in the program.
7. Students are not allowed to have phones out during the program. This is run as a school
event and school rules apply.
8. Students must maintain healthy eating and sleeping habits, stay hydrated, and exercise
on a weekly basis.
We are very excited about our esports program and hope that your student will gain important
collaborative skills from participating in the program. Only student-athletes will be allowed to stay
after school. We can not accommodate any spectators in the program at this time.